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Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Beetles

Today as I was circling the house watering my flowers, I noticed two man-eating Japanese beetles on my Hibiscus tree. Leo Dicaprio says that there is an influx of these because of global warming, and so I'm doing two things: 1) getting a hybrid vehicle, and b) spraying my tree. Gosh, I hope bugspray doesn't contribute to global warming. What a vicious cycle! You can see here what they did to the beautiful Hibiscus flower...from the plant genus Hibiscus Treeapesius. I mean, I can understand that they would be hungry having just flown in from Japan, but seriously...find some saki or sushi. Please leave my plants alone! If any of you beetles are reading this, just please..take me instead. And don't even think about coming after my roses, or worse yet my baby!

On a related note, I posted this 10 minutes ago with beetle spelled beatle. One Tequiza later, as I was having Greg read it, I noticed I'd spelled it incorrectly. A light bulb went off when I realized the name Beatles, as in Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Roy Orbison, is really a pun. in music...les. That's great! And to think I was listening to them in the 60s without having realized that. Also, I do know the other member was Paul McCartney. But the Traveling Wilburys are great too.

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