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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Down but Not Out

Well I dropped my laptop this morning on the tile floor, so I'm lucky it is still alive. Where would you all be without my blog? Then I'd really be catching grief for not updating it. Greg was still here when I did it, so I went straight to him and had him go see if it worked or not b/c I couldn't bear to look. Luckily it is still working. And luckily it was the laptop I dropped and not the baby. Anyway, I will be so sad when summer is over. I love to put Evie in just a diaper and a onesie and take her out to play in the yard.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Fort Fun

This weekend Greg and I made the last minute decision to go up and spend some time with Aunt Casey and Creepy Uncle Brock in Ft. Wayne. Evie had a blast. Her most favorite things were staying awake through naptime, and pulling their dogs' hair over and over and over. They have two shelties, Scout and Piper, and they are probably afraid of babies now. We kept telling Evie to be gentle, but she doesn't understand that quite as well as she does "do you want some yogurt?" One gets a response and the other one doesn't. The dogs took it really well and never batted an eyelash at the little hair puller. Here are some pictures from our time there. I would've included some of Casey and Brock, but Casey was dodging the camera and Brock just isn't very photogenic. Just kidding, Brock. Not really. Ok I'm kidding.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Field Day

I know you've all been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for a new post. For you I'm staying up late to give you a new one. No pictures of Evie this time, sorry. She's too busy to pose for pictures anymore. This time I'm posting a picture of yours truly. This was taken at Field Day at eTapestry in the finals of the Tug of War competion. We lost badly, and I have no idea why. As you can see from the picture I'm not the one dragging us down. As my boss pointed out, there are so many captions that could be added to this picture. You can imagine my dismay when this picture surfaced. Who would publish this for the company to see? I didn't know I had any haters. Keep your friends closer and your enemies closer.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I Heart Photoshop

I downloaded a trial version of Photoshop on Friday night, and I've been playing with it today. This is awesome. There are so many things it can do, and I haven't even started to get creative. And we all know how creative and artistic I am. Greg and I took Evie outside for some shots, and these are some of the pictures from that. If you want to donate to the Photoshop fund so that you can enjoy even more rich color, straight lines, and defined edges, even after the 30 day trial is over, just make the checks payable to me.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Birthday Blowout

Today we had a quaint family birthday celebration at home. And it's official; Evie loves homemade Elmo birthday cake. I think she might still be eating it if we hadn't taken her away from it. Then cousin Jordan helped her open her presents. She is one lucky baby. She got several toys and a few fall/winter outfits. She played hard and after the diabetic coma wore off, she went down for a long nap. It's hard to believe that it's been a year! Time flies when you are having fun. Unless you are a frog...then time is fun when you're having flies. We love our little Evelyn and can't wait to see what she has in store for us this year!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm Many Things...Photographer is Not One of Them

It's been brought to my attention that I have not updated my blog in a long time. And that wasn't an accident. I'm so ashamed of the quality of pictures that I take that I don't want to even put them on the same page as the ones Jen took. I'm going to the library today to get a book on photography, and I'll try to take better pictures if possible. Greg and I have also been talking about getting a new camera if it turns out not to be the operator. Anyway, here is a post so that I can keep my audience.

Evie will be turning one on Tuesday! Yaaay Evie! That's where she claps. Only she doesn't really clap, she puts her left hand out, leaves it stationary and then hits it with her right hand. I'm a little biased, but I think it's pretty cute. Tonight she climed up into her rocking chair and then climed from there onto the couch. For her birthday we may get her some ropes, caribiners, maybe a harness, and take her out for something more Monkey Face, Smith Rock, or maybe Fraggle Rock. Look out, Jamie Carie! Actually I got her a little toy at Wal-Mart today and she played with it while we shopped. I'll wrap it up and give it to her on Sunday. I bet she will act like she's never seen it before. I'll take some pictures of her and her cake. Stay tuned!