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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Picture Day

Jen came to take Evie's one year pictures on Saturday, and she was so nice to send me some sneak peeks before actually sending the real things. I think she did a great job capturing her personality. Here are a few of the ones she sent me. I love the one of Greg holding Evie. I love the smile he has on his face. He says he should've shaved, but I kind of like the rugged look. It's like the ruggedness of a baseball catcher or an acoustic guitar player...there's just something kind of attractive about an unshaven Greg.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fun in the Bathroom

Evie, like her dad, enjoys spending time in the bathroom. I open the cabinet so that she can play with everything in there, but she always shuts the door and heads straight for the toilet. She plays with the cover of the bolt that the toilet is attached to the ground with, and she loves to unroll the toilet paper. This morning we went to Wal-Mart and she flirted with most of the customers and the deli lady. She would smile and put her head down to hide it, and then she'd give them the princess wave. I didn't get any pictures of that though. But here are some pictures of her on the way to the bathroom and then in the bathroom. Her hair is so wild and kind of morphs into a curly baby mohawk, so I have to slick it down each morning. Here it is post-slicking but pre-napping.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Turkey Run

This weekend we went camping with my brother and his family. We left the Princess with G'ma and G'pa W, and although we missed Evie way too much, camping was a lot of fun. We had good and long hikes, an eventful canoe/kayaking trip, and let's not forget the good food. We had lots of laughs: Doug told some really bad ghost stories. I was leading Doug to the outhouses with my flashlight and went straight into another guy's camp, shined the light in his face to which he responded, "howdy howdy". Blake flipped her kayak and lost her Kenny Chesney hat. I led the group on a 2 1/2 hour hike to the waterfalls that really don't exist at Turkey Run. Turns out that was McCormick's Creek where I saw those. Anyway, here are some pictures of the festivities. In the top picture, Doug is telling Jordan about the boy who cried wolf. Well, his version know, the one where the boy blows a whistle when he wants his dad to come eat lunch with him. The next one is of the three of them, looking all cute eating their watermelon. I think Jordan looks like such a little lady with her legs crossed. Then the next one is of Bailey when he wasn't trying to throw plastic into the fire.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


We're doing laundry today, which usually takes all day from beginning to end, being as I only like to do it once a week. It's like trash day or shave your legs day. Anyway, since we are doing laundry, I don't have any fun stories. But here's a picture since Casey said it was time for a new post. Evie is getting several teeth, so I wanted to get a close up of the semi-toothless grin before it is lost and gone forever, assuming she doesn't get tooth decay later from drinking too much coke. But by then it won't be cute anymore anyway.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Chocolate...At Last!

Today I made some chocolate chip cookies, and Greg came home for lunch...I think because he smelled them. Evie's been a good girl, eating her veggies and other healthy foods, so we decided to let her have one. As you can see, she thoroughly enjoyed it, and it went straight to her arms. Then she played the lets-put-fingerprints-all-over-the-glass-door game. It was fun. She's really into doggies right now, and she stands at the sliding glass door waiting for the neighbor dog, Shadow, to come out of their garage. Then I took her onto the patio, and she must not have had enough chocolate to eat. As soon as I looked into the lense to take a picture, she snatched a twig of impatiens and ate one. I swooped it out, but I know she got at least a taste. Hopefully that's not one of those poisonous baby eating plants.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Baby Elaina

Today Evie, one of my college roommates, Beka, and I went to visit a long lost friend of ours from U of I. Her name is Joanna and she has a 4 month old baby, Elaina. What a beauty! You can see her for yourself. I don't think she needs bacon to attract the fellas!

Joanna was so nice and got Evie some clothes, so she wanted to model them for her Daddy when he got home. Here she is in her new pretties, smelling the roses and also trying to knock down our solar light. The next one is of her pointing at a piece of mulch, which she later tried to eat. It's funny how she won't eat mommy's chicken or any baby food which has chunks in it, but she will eat lint, mulch, grass, or anything else she finds on the ground. Makes you think twice about where you trim your fingernails!