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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fun in the Bathroom

Evie, like her dad, enjoys spending time in the bathroom. I open the cabinet so that she can play with everything in there, but she always shuts the door and heads straight for the toilet. She plays with the cover of the bolt that the toilet is attached to the ground with, and she loves to unroll the toilet paper. This morning we went to Wal-Mart and she flirted with most of the customers and the deli lady. She would smile and put her head down to hide it, and then she'd give them the princess wave. I didn't get any pictures of that though. But here are some pictures of her on the way to the bathroom and then in the bathroom. Her hair is so wild and kind of morphs into a curly baby mohawk, so I have to slick it down each morning. Here it is post-slicking but pre-napping.

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