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Friday, July 07, 2006

Chocolate...At Last!

Today I made some chocolate chip cookies, and Greg came home for lunch...I think because he smelled them. Evie's been a good girl, eating her veggies and other healthy foods, so we decided to let her have one. As you can see, she thoroughly enjoyed it, and it went straight to her arms. Then she played the lets-put-fingerprints-all-over-the-glass-door game. It was fun. She's really into doggies right now, and she stands at the sliding glass door waiting for the neighbor dog, Shadow, to come out of their garage. Then I took her onto the patio, and she must not have had enough chocolate to eat. As soon as I looked into the lense to take a picture, she snatched a twig of impatiens and ate one. I swooped it out, but I know she got at least a taste. Hopefully that's not one of those poisonous baby eating plants.

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