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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Great Weekend

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These are my cousin Liz's two girls, Olivia and Ava. We had a wonderful weekend, most of which was spent outside at my parents' house and my aunt's house. Cornhole, hayrides, four wheeler rides, Evie got to swing a lot, but mostly it was good because my whole family was there. Also, I got the best news this afternoon. One of my very best friends is moving about 10 minutes away this summer. Maybe even closer...we'll see. Anyway I've been praying for this for a long time, and her husband has applied for a few jobs around, and he'd make it to the final two on those and then not get hired. All of those jobs would've been further away though. It's like it was meant to be, that he'd not get those so that he could take this one, and it's so close to us. I'm really really happy!

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Evie enjoying some more furniture time...

My brother Jon and his gf Jess...we like her a lot.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the 'shout out.' we're pretty pumped too. =) oh, and lovely pictures as always!