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Saturday, December 30, 2006

To da park! (again...again)

I don't know what has gotten into me this month, but I guess I'm just in the blogging mood. I know you are all probably so tired of the pictures of Evie at the park, but how could we not go there today? I wonder if global warming has anything to do with the shorts-like weather we are getting at the end of December? Leo DiCaprio would say yes for sure! By the way, I didn't want another picture in that silly car, but she wanted in it, and stayed in it for so long I had no other choice. By the way (squared), she's smiling because I'm shooting this picture with the camera to my side rather than looking through the viewfinder. Very amusing!

And after all that, she was finally ready for a nap.


Anonymous said...

I love it! I very much enjoy your blogs! I get so excited to see a new one almost every day so keep it up! I love what you've done with the header at the top of your page. Adorable! Evie's hair is getting so long and curly! It's so cute! Oh, and I love the lollipop pictures! Classic! I hope you frame those! Hope you guys have a Happy New Year! Keep the pictures coming!
your #1 fan

JSherrick said...

I am so proud of you Sara for letting her have a lollipop! I bet she had such sticky fun. We are enjoying these awesome days too. I never thought we'd be riding bikes in late December. Enjoy the park as much as you can!

Anonymous said...

hey! i had to get myself caught up a little bit. i love all the new pictures! i definitely love what you've done with the 'evie unplugged' header. i really like the picture of evie lying on the bed holding a flower. so cute...