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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

pineapple mania

Evie has a new favorite fruit. In fact today when we went grocery shopping I had to keep giving her bits of pineapple out of a jar to keep her quiet. Here she is in Maui getting our bed sticky.


And here she is with her ABC pineapple (that stands for already been chewed for those of you who forget some of the social jargon of third grade).

And here are her sweet little feet.

Stay tuned for more pictures from paradise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Want to know what's better than a picture of cute feet? Cute, manicured feet! Thank you for clipping Evie's toe nails! I always get worried when Elaina is playing with kids whose toe nails or finger nails aren't trimmed. It's like letting her loose with a panther! Geeze people, clip your kids nails already! Hee! Hee!