banner hat 2

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Trying something a little different

I officially have the world's longest running cough. In a minute I'm going to go take some NyQuil so that I can get some rest, but first here are some pics from today. I just love my little model. She's such a good sport and judging by her expression you'd never know that mommy had a paci on her head trying to get the baby to laugh. On an unrelated note our Christmas lights are finally up outside. The Griswalds are ready to celebrate an old fashioned Christmas. Break out the egg nog!

My last attempt at getting Evie to wear a silly Christmas hat...


JSherrick said...

cool b/w conversion... i like it b/c it's different. Which one is it?

Tina said...

Hi, it's me again!! I had a few questions about photography for you. I know you emailed me awhile ago, but I must have deleted your email address. If you have a minute, could you email me your address again. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara!

Elaine sent me your blog page. I love it! I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen Evie. She is getting so big and looking like her mommy and daddy more and more. You have become quite a wonderful picture taker. When did you start this? Did you take courses? Send me an email when you get a chance:
