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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We took our little ducky trick-or-treating tonight. Is this the cutest ducky you've ever seen? She was completely happy just sitting in the stroller with a candy bar in each hand. She had no intentions of eating them, but she just liked having them in her hands. When we pryed them away from her they were warm and squishy in their wrappers, so she wasn't happy when we threw them away. She had a great time, though. By the way, look who's walking! She's so advanced for 15 months, don't you think? :)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy 38th Post to Me!

When I logged in, it said I had posted 37 posts. So this makes 38. What a milestone. Is there any number more insignificant than 38? Here are a few of the Evmeister. She was sitting in front of the glass door, and since it is winterish outside, in front of the door is about the only light we can bring into our house. I'm pushing for skylights in the living room. I have to have some new lofty goal since I got the camera. I thought she looked so sweet and innocent, so I snapped a few. I hope you like them.

Monday, October 16, 2006


This baby has such a great little personality. I think you can see it here. She's a tiny little thing with a great big smile and big baby blues. Her mommy is my college roommate's sister. I couldn't wait to take her pictures.

I know this has nothing to do with Ceili, but I have to tell it because I think it's funny. Tonight we went to my niece Blake's volleyball game (SIDEOUT!), and my niece Jordan (whom you blogheads have all seen and read about) said to my brother, "when I become a big girl like you, can I still call you 'Daddy'?"

Anyway, here are some of little Ceili Marie.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Jack Rocks

I had another friend allow me to come in and take some pictures of her child. I definitely needed the change of scenery. Here's 9 1/2 month old Jack. He is so so sweet and so so busy. We had to bribe him with things that he could put in his mouth, like cell phones and rocks. You can see the rock in the picture below. Thanks for letting us come, Beth!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Evie G Funk

That's her rapper name...Evie G Funk. I don't have much to write about, but Greg thinks I should write about my dead pansies. But what he meant was my dead impatiens...the only pansy around here is Greg A Funk. Yeah, the frost got them last night. They look like e.coli spinach now. You can't even tell that they were ever flowers. Pretty sad, really, considering I gave them a watering every morning this summer, and now all I've got to show for it is dead pansies. Oh well, there's always next year I guess. Here are some pictures from today. I would've taken some when we went on our walk to Lo Bill, but only Evie's eyes and cheeks were showing (all bundled up) even though it was pretty sweet. Speaking of Lo Bill, I've entered us about 15 times in this "Win a Disney Cruise Sweepstakes" they are having in November. It's for a family of 4--all expenses paid. As you know we are only a family of 3. I'll make you a deal. If you comment on this blog posting and I like it better than the other comments, you can come with us when we win the Disney cruise.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Christina brought Maddy over again today, so Evie and I had some company. I can't believe how much she has grown in such a short time. It's amazing what eating 24 hours a day can do for a baby. We went to Fazoli's and had some real Italian real fast. Hey, that's catchy; I should tell them about it. Then we came back here and I got to give Maddy her bottle. I think I must've given her too much without burping her, because we saw it again later. I'm just so out of practice! :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Thank goodness I talked to Jen Sherrick today and asked her for some feedback on my pictures. She ripped me a new one. Just kidding! She mentioned some acronym and I was all, "what is she talking about?" until I looked it up to see what it stood for...USM, as in Unsharp Mask, a filter in photoshop that has brought my pictures to life! Who would've thought that something that is called UNsharp would actually make a picture sharper? Somebody was tippin the bottle when they named that one. Here are a few more that weren't good yesterday but today they look much better. Thanks, Jen! I mean, yeah, I knew that.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Blue-Eyed Beauties

These are two of the four blue-eyed cuties that moved in next door to us. The little one is turning a year old on Wednesday. He's walking in case you are wondering. Evie isn't impressed or motivated by it though, in case you are wondering that too. The older one was loving the fact that I was taking his picture...he kept getting in a hunched over the knees pose and saying, "this makes me look like a baseball player." Then he'd ask to see how it turned out on the lcd screen. He's a really sweet and funny little guy. And his little brother gave Evie a big bear hug.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

As promised, here are a few from the patch/hayride. I don't know what or who Evie is waving at. Below is a picture of the jack-o-lanterns that we carved from the pumpkins today. From left to right, Greg McNoteeth, Jordan Smallpherson, Sara Bestlookingpumpkinintownman, Bailey Reallysmallfacely. My brother was really impressed with Greg's carving abilities and told him he should've been a surgeon. It must've gone to his head b/c moments later he shouted, "Doh! I forgot the teeth!" Then there were several jokes made about his toothless pumpkin...I think he's kind of cute, don't you?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Roscoe's Tacos

Someone actually took me up on my offer to take bad pictures of them...not bad as in dirty, but bad as in I wish I knew what I was doing. Actually we were going to the pumpkin patch with them today anyway, so taking pictures before we went and while we were there was a no-brainer. Baby Elaina is so beautiful, and she's very photogenic, but she is getting a tooth and was scared to death of this camera as big as your head (who wouldn't be?). So we didn't have very good luck with the opportunities to snap, but we made the most of it. I'd love to do this again with them in a few months. I'll post some from the pumpkin patch tomorrow. Here's a little teaser for you though: barefoot Evie in the orange melon field! We also had Roscoe's Tacos tonight, which was great. I don't have pictures of that, and I'm sure everyone was glad that the camera finally got a rest.


I know it's late, I know you're weary. I know your plans don't include me. I'm super tired too, but I thought I'd post this real fast. I'll probably regret it in the morning, as we do most things that happen after midnight. These are not the best pictures, and I realize that, but compared to the other..pardon my French..CRAP that I took today, they are an A+. Notice the watermark. If you can't read it because it's too small, it says Sara Willhelm Portraits©. Notice the copyright. It means absolutely nothing. I know you are asking yourself, "where does she come up with these clever catch phrases?" but Sara Willhelm Portraits just came to me. It's very original. I'm going to start using it on all of my pictures so that no one tries to take my crap and pass it off as their own. Also, it's going to be the name of my new business. My mission statement will be "I'll take your pictures for free, since they won't be worth paying for." If anyone is interested, just let me know. But really it is all about the baby, and check out those crazy curls.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My High Chair

You know who isn't very nice? Alex Trebek. I don't know if anyone saw the end of Jeopardy tonight, but they had little kids on there, so we watched it thinking maybe we would know some of the answers. We didn't, but that's not the point. At the very end when they do final Jeopardy, the answer was something like "These are 2 of the 3 states that space shuttles have landed." One of the kids wrote "What are Florida and Houston?" This kid is only like 11, so it's completely forgiveable, but instead of saying something like, "No I'm sorry that is incorrect," Alex had to go and point out that "Florida is a state, and of course Houston is NOT." I don't know why he didn't just drag him across the stage and beat him with the you're-an-idiot stick. I think maybe he feels powerful knowing more than an 11 year old. Anyway I just wanted to share that. I hope SNL does a spoof off of it. Regardless, I was loving the way the light was hitting Evie today when she was eating her nanna. No, she wasn't eating her grandma, that's nanna as in Gwen Stefani's favorite fruit, b-a-n-a-n-a-s. Plus it's easy to get pictures when she's in the high chair, since she can't run (and by run I mean crawl) away from the camera. And yes that is a tear on her cheek. Mommy is just not fast enough with that fruit.