banner hat 2

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I know it's late, I know you're weary. I know your plans don't include me. I'm super tired too, but I thought I'd post this real fast. I'll probably regret it in the morning, as we do most things that happen after midnight. These are not the best pictures, and I realize that, but compared to the other..pardon my French..CRAP that I took today, they are an A+. Notice the watermark. If you can't read it because it's too small, it says Sara Willhelm Portraits©. Notice the copyright. It means absolutely nothing. I know you are asking yourself, "where does she come up with these clever catch phrases?" but Sara Willhelm Portraits just came to me. It's very original. I'm going to start using it on all of my pictures so that no one tries to take my crap and pass it off as their own. Also, it's going to be the name of my new business. My mission statement will be "I'll take your pictures for free, since they won't be worth paying for." If anyone is interested, just let me know. But really it is all about the baby, and check out those crazy curls.

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