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Monday, October 16, 2006


This baby has such a great little personality. I think you can see it here. She's a tiny little thing with a great big smile and big baby blues. Her mommy is my college roommate's sister. I couldn't wait to take her pictures.

I know this has nothing to do with Ceili, but I have to tell it because I think it's funny. Tonight we went to my niece Blake's volleyball game (SIDEOUT!), and my niece Jordan (whom you blogheads have all seen and read about) said to my brother, "when I become a big girl like you, can I still call you 'Daddy'?"

Anyway, here are some of little Ceili Marie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ceili you look just beautiful, of course. Even if I am your Nana. I love you.