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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bold Color

Don't you just hate it when your baby is sleeping and the monitor is on, but then you realize the volume isn't loud enough and your baby has been crying who knows how long, and then you go in and she's wimpering b/c she's been crying for so long? Yeah, that's never happened to me so I wouldn't know. We're at my parents' house, and Evie can't stay out of the window, so here's one of that. Below is a picture of my friend Jamie holding Evie at Abby's bridal shower this morning. Rumor has it she hasn't been blogging frequently, so maybe hearing that she is on here will convince her to check it. :)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Pictures from 3 Days Ago

I had taken these a few days ago, and I had decided they weren't good enough to post. But I just opened them up again and I think I was just being too picky. We're heading to Washington this weekend for my friend Abby's pre-wedding extravaganza weekend. Shower on Saturday morning and bachelorette party on Saturday night. I'm going to party like it's 1999. But I really didn't party in 1999, so that wouldn't be much fun. Speaking of the year I graduated high school, when I was at the store yesterday there was one of those signs that said, "if you weren't born before this date then you can't buy tobacco." The date was 9/28/1988! That made me feel really old, since I was probably already holding hands by then.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rough Night

Evie had her first stomach bug last night, and it was really sad. The poor thing looked like she'd just celebrated her 21st birthday. By 1:00 am the worst was over, and she finally got some good sleep. She's not quite back to herself yet but on her way. She's asked that you not send balloons or cards, because she can't read and loud popping noises are scary. We don't want to ever have to see her like that again, but she sure was cuddly.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Going Through the Cabinets

Have you ever noticed that when you get the saran wrap off of the roll, it sticks to itself like it has a magnetic attraction for itself...and then when you finally get it unstuck from itself and you try to put it around a plate or something, it won't stick to itself at all? So frustrating. I think that's why God invented Tupperware. Evie likes to rummage through her wardrobe in her room and today while I was going all paparazzi on her, she actually started to climb up into it. I'm glad I had the camera. But then again when don't I have the camera?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Our Little Pumpkin

Maybe I should've waited until we went to the pumpkin patch to take these pictures, but I'm a little over anxious about it I guess. I love fall colors, not as much as summer flowers, but fall is fun. I remember last year at this time we would've been walking the streets with our little baby in a sling around one of our necks trying to keep her from crying. Then when we got tired of walking outside, if she was asleep, we'd hang the sling on a chair in the kitchen. I can't really go outside in the evening this time of year without thinking about that. It's funny how smells and sounds and coldish air can make you nostalgic like that. Kind of like when I smell peach cobbler it makes me remember home, or when I smell B.O. it takes me back to when we spent the weekend with Casey and Creepy Uncle Brock.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

The camera gods have been good to me! And so has my husband! Now I really have no excuse for taking bad pictures. I'm so excited about it. I'm starting to get annoying (like I wasn't before), b/c I want to take pictures of everyone and everything. If you come within a 5 mile radius of me, watch out. My mom told me that she can't wait until this camera is old. I still have so much to learn with it, but it's not like it's rocket surgery, so hopefully I can figure it out. There are just so many things you can do with it and with photoshop. My niece Blake asked me if it could get rid of pimples, and I said yes, but my mom followed it up with not in real life. Just in the pictures. So I guess there are some things that I can't do. I love a blurry background though, and that's where this thing is amazing. I can also take indoor pictures now without the flash and with a moving baby. Have I mentioned that Jen Sherrick is my hero ( If you see some similarities it's because I copy or probably will copy off of everything she does.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

To da park! (again)

Do you think I should change the name of my blog to Fall Fun? I guess I shouldn't have used a name that would have to change with the seasons. That's like naming your child Autumn or Summer. What are these people thinking? Come winter, everyone is confused. Greg is at some kind of "meeting" (aka "date" with his girlfriend Shane) and will be until 9:30 or so, so I've just been sulking in my loneliness and playing with photoshop. Good news Diane: the camera fairy may make an appearance this weekend. Evie and I walked to the park again today, and I had the camera handy of course. We are getting low on paci's. When we were coming back home and going up Butt Hill (it's a killer) Evie dropped her pacifier. I didn't see it fall, but she was pointing to the ground and giving her I-don't-know hand movement and shoulder shrug. So I looked down and it was gone. I knew if we went back down that hill to look for it, we'd have to come back up (learned that in Physics 101), so I just had to let it go. I think we are down to 3. I haven't discussed it with Pants yet, but I think maybe after these 3 are gone, we should just call it quits on the plastic mouth plugs. We'll see how the princess handles it I guess.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Just for Fun

Not much going on today. Monday is grocery day, so we did that. Speaking of groceries, Greg, Evie, and I ate fresh bagged spinach last week! That's the last time we're doing anything healthy. We didn't get sick or anything, but come on! We've never bought fresh bagged spinach, I'd rather eat my sock, but we figured it would be good for us. We did cook it and put it on pizza, trying to make it as unhealthy as possible, so maybe we cooked the e.coli right out of it. Today I took this picture of Evie, gave it kind of a dreamy effect, and made it my screensaver. That's what the black is about--a place to put my icons. Brilliant! Tomorrow is 26th birthday. If you round to the nearest ten, it's not pretty. I'm starting to notice that I'm aging a little. Like my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. They say that memory is the first thing to go. Also I can't see as well as I used to. They say that eyesight is the first thing to go. Also, my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. My eyesight isn't as good either.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Baby Maddy

My good friend Christina brought her baby Madelyn over today, as you can see here. She is a sweet sweet baby, very calm and so cuddly. I still smell like her; kinda makes me want another one. But as Evie was pulling at my legs while I was holding Maddy, I wondered how people have kids so close together. I snapped a few while they were here. I'm really pushing for a new camera, and my birthday is on Tuesday. So if you have any gift cards lying around for Best Buy or Circuit City I'd be happy to take them off your hands so that they don't go to waste.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Sidewalk

About a mile and a half away, there is this great park complete with a trail, swimming pool, playground, and amphitheater. We love to go there, but we've always had to drive to get there (Evie and I take turns at the wheel). Unitl today! They put in a new sidewalk just for us and our stroller which goes from our front door to the park. So today we took a walk there. Of course we stopped at LoBill for a... you guessed it...Coke, and also a Butterfinger. Ok fine 3 Butterfingers (for $0.99 I couldn't afford not to get them) but I'm saving the other two so don't tell Greg they are in the cabinet. Tomorrow Christina and baby Maddy are coming over so if you're lucky I'll have someone else to post pictures of too.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More of Labor Day Weekend

Tonight I took Evie onto the patio because the neighbor kids were out playing football, and Evie loves to watch the big kids play. All of the sudden she just stood up all by herself and the kids stopped throwing and started clapping for her and cheering. They were really genuinely excited, because they've been trying to get her to walk for weeks. I didn't get any pictures of it, though, so sorry. Here are a few more from Labor Day weekend. This is at my mom's house. The curly haired blondie is my niece Jordan. She's a really funny little girl. She just says really funny things. A few months ago, when my brother was sitting in his recliner, he said, "Jordan why don't you come up here and let daddy rock you?" Jordan said, "OR you could get up and let me rock myself!" She says things like that all the time that just crack me up. A few of my parents' neighbors stopped by when they saw that we were home, and Evie was already asleep, and they'd never seen her before so we got out some pictures of her for them to look at. Jordan said, "hey do you want to see some pictures of me?" Since I know you do, here they are.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Chip Off the Old Apple

I'm really not a fan of Diet Coke, being as Coke has such a big place in my heart, but it was sitting there on the table, and I wanted to try taking a picture of something different. I wanted to see what this would look like with the coke in color and everything else in black and white. I know I will be getting lots of phone calls from all of you asking if I will take pictures of your soft drinks. But please, remember that I already have a job. This weekend was fun; we went to my parents' and did some fun stuff (convincing?). Saturday Greg and my family (I did not participate; I was busy messing with photoshop) started an apple factory. He climbed a ladder into my parents' apple trees and picked hundreds of apples. Then he ran them through this apple peeler/corer thingy and someone else cut them, someone bagged them, and someone put them in the freezer. This picture is of the prize-winning apple. It was the most perfect apple he picked, so I thought it deserved a picture. Anyway I thought it was humorous that they had a little sweatshop going. You know what else is many little sayings there are that involve the apple. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", "you are the apple of my eye", "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", "an apple in the hand is worth two in the bush", "the apple is mightier than the sword", "the early bird catches the apple" and so on. See what I mean? The apple is just such an important fruit.