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Thursday, September 21, 2006

To da park! (again)

Do you think I should change the name of my blog to Fall Fun? I guess I shouldn't have used a name that would have to change with the seasons. That's like naming your child Autumn or Summer. What are these people thinking? Come winter, everyone is confused. Greg is at some kind of "meeting" (aka "date" with his girlfriend Shane) and will be until 9:30 or so, so I've just been sulking in my loneliness and playing with photoshop. Good news Diane: the camera fairy may make an appearance this weekend. Evie and I walked to the park again today, and I had the camera handy of course. We are getting low on paci's. When we were coming back home and going up Butt Hill (it's a killer) Evie dropped her pacifier. I didn't see it fall, but she was pointing to the ground and giving her I-don't-know hand movement and shoulder shrug. So I looked down and it was gone. I knew if we went back down that hill to look for it, we'd have to come back up (learned that in Physics 101), so I just had to let it go. I think we are down to 3. I haven't discussed it with Pants yet, but I think maybe after these 3 are gone, we should just call it quits on the plastic mouth plugs. We'll see how the princess handles it I guess.

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