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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More of Labor Day Weekend

Tonight I took Evie onto the patio because the neighbor kids were out playing football, and Evie loves to watch the big kids play. All of the sudden she just stood up all by herself and the kids stopped throwing and started clapping for her and cheering. They were really genuinely excited, because they've been trying to get her to walk for weeks. I didn't get any pictures of it, though, so sorry. Here are a few more from Labor Day weekend. This is at my mom's house. The curly haired blondie is my niece Jordan. She's a really funny little girl. She just says really funny things. A few months ago, when my brother was sitting in his recliner, he said, "Jordan why don't you come up here and let daddy rock you?" Jordan said, "OR you could get up and let me rock myself!" She says things like that all the time that just crack me up. A few of my parents' neighbors stopped by when they saw that we were home, and Evie was already asleep, and they'd never seen her before so we got out some pictures of her for them to look at. Jordan said, "hey do you want to see some pictures of me?" Since I know you do, here they are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute story about Jordan. I bet Evie thinks the world of her. Great job with your composition and documentary style!