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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Sidewalk

About a mile and a half away, there is this great park complete with a trail, swimming pool, playground, and amphitheater. We love to go there, but we've always had to drive to get there (Evie and I take turns at the wheel). Unitl today! They put in a new sidewalk just for us and our stroller which goes from our front door to the park. So today we took a walk there. Of course we stopped at LoBill for a... you guessed it...Coke, and also a Butterfinger. Ok fine 3 Butterfingers (for $0.99 I couldn't afford not to get them) but I'm saving the other two so don't tell Greg they are in the cabinet. Tomorrow Christina and baby Maddy are coming over so if you're lucky I'll have someone else to post pictures of too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Storyboard... especially the middle photo. Like the tilt on the fence too!