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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

The camera gods have been good to me! And so has my husband! Now I really have no excuse for taking bad pictures. I'm so excited about it. I'm starting to get annoying (like I wasn't before), b/c I want to take pictures of everyone and everything. If you come within a 5 mile radius of me, watch out. My mom told me that she can't wait until this camera is old. I still have so much to learn with it, but it's not like it's rocket surgery, so hopefully I can figure it out. There are just so many things you can do with it and with photoshop. My niece Blake asked me if it could get rid of pimples, and I said yes, but my mom followed it up with not in real life. Just in the pictures. So I guess there are some things that I can't do. I love a blurry background though, and that's where this thing is amazing. I can also take indoor pictures now without the flash and with a moving baby. Have I mentioned that Jen Sherrick is my hero ( If you see some similarities it's because I copy or probably will copy off of everything she does.

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